Around 15 FPC members armed with wheelbarrows, shovels, hoes and rakes spent Saturday morning working on Fareham’s petanque terrains, including gardening, weeding paths, clearing leaves and re-distributing and levelling large amounts of gravel.

Along with general maintenance work, a new wooden separator was installed between lane 12 and lane 13. This is in preparation for the addition of a new surface on lanes 8-12, to give players a greater variety of surfaces to play on.

When completed, the 16 terrains will comprise:

  • Lane 1-4 : Fast, smooth-rolling but uneven surface with almost no top-dressing
  • Lane 5-8 : Thick medium grit “Fareham special”
  • Lane 9-12 : Large stone aggregate – a challenging surface to suit high-lobbers and boule-to-boule shooting
  • Lane 13-16 : Thick medium grit “Fareham special”

The exact stone type for the new surface is still under some discussion, but will soon be in place. It will be interesting to see how both Fareham players and visitors cope with the new surface, and learn to adapt their playing style to the different pistes.

Thanks to everyone who turned up to help, and special thanks to Lois for providing much-need refreshments to thirsty and hungry workers!