This year’s Mayor’s Cup was held at Fareham Petanque Club and was hotly contested in the lovely Autumn sunshine. Despite a number of club members taking part in the Ladies Coaching Day at Cobbetts, Fareham were the clear winners with 13 games to Portchester’s 8 and Searles’ 6. All three Fareham triples contributed to the victory but the stars were David Kilshaw, David Meyer and John Caine who achieved a clean sweep of 6 games.

Congratulations to all the Fareham team:

David Kilshaw
David Meyer
John Caine
Carrie LitchfieId
Gerry McAleese
Josh Price
Jackie Lee
Mike Sheppard
Chris Moss

The Mayor and Mayoress of Fareham, Cllr Geoff Fazackarley and his wife Tina were particularly impressed that Fareham had a junior playing in the team – well done Josh!

Overall we raised £209 for the Mayor’s charities: Sam’s Haven and The Moving On Project

Chris Moss