September 12, Fareham Petanque Club held its first Open event since March 2020. The weather was amazing, the sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky, it could have not been a better welcome back to play for FPC.

We had 23 players join us for the day- three from Worthing, two from Adur/Clymping, two from ABC, one from Portchester and the rest from Fareham.

Sheila and Lois took charge of the kitchen for the day. Sheila, Sue and Lois all made amazing cakes. Jackie Lee organised the raffle. And there was a team which arrived early to get the terrain set up and ready for play. I thought I had turned up early, but there was an army already on site before I got there. Thank you to everyone for your help and support to make this Open successful.

We raised £201.75 for Canine Partners this year, the raffle was very well supported and a number of Fareham Petanque Club members who could not play made very generous donations.

The first fanny of the day was awarded to George Churcher and Peter Marland. Chis Moss donated the prize for the first fanny.

Bob Ainsworth was the strongest player with 5 losses -31

Sheila Hayward was 3rd place with 4 wins +18

Mark Robertshaw was 2nd place with 5 wins +36

Paul Hayward was 1st place with 5 wins +45

Thank you to everyone that gave their time to support this event, it was a fantastic day.