An excellent turnout of 24 players, including visitors form the Isle of White, Cranleigh and Cobbetts enjoyed a lovely sunny day supporting Canine Partners. After 2 games in the morning (including the first fanny!) we had an extended lunch and welcomed Christine, Tim and Tina from Canine Partners together with Tina who is a demonstration dog. Christine explained the role of assistance dogs whilst Tina and Tina showed what the dogs can do, including remove hats, gloves, jacket and even picking up a credit card from the floor!

Play was resumed for the remaining 3 games with play finishing around 4:45. The winner was Gerry with 5 wins +36, Tim was runner up with 5 wins +30 and Drew (IoW) was third with 4 wins +24. Strongest player was Robert. First Fanny was Terry and Robin which Paul and Daena as the other fanny of the day.

We raised £235 on the day with a late donation making this up to a round £250.